• Regional theater roundup: Fast-paced fun

    RTOP’s production of ‘Tootsie’ brings stage version of popular movie to Pullman, plus shows by PHS, APOD Productions

    By Mary Stone

    Regional Theatre of the Palouse brings a mad mix of catchy music and magically quick costume changes to the stage with “Tootsie,” opening Thursday, Feb. 13, at 118 N. Grand Ave., Pullman. The stage show, based on the 1982 film starring Dustin Hoffman, makes its inland Northwest debut with this production, RTOP Executive Director John Rich said...

  • Competition comes north

    Lewiston hosts state theater festival for the first time

    By Mary Stone

    A statewide theater competition is coming to the northern half of Idaho next weekend for the first time, and organizers say community members have a role to play, too. “The bigger the audience, the more energy there is in that room, and it’s better for the actors,” said Brad Ooley, of Boise, chairperson of the Idaho Association of Community Theatre’s I-ACTFest...

  • Readers respond: What you watch when you want to wind down

    Readers share their comfort watches

    By Mary Stone

    We asked you to share the TV shows and movies you find yourself returning to again and again, and your answers took us back many decades to different, if not simpler, times. In her Jan. 16 column putting out the call for “comfort watches,” Inland 360 contributor Jeanne M. DePaul mentioned her lifelong love of TV Westerns and listed several other shows she watches on repeat...

  • Love, remembered

    Recent read sparks recollections of passion — and pain

    By Dean Ferguson

    Valentine’s Day is to an unattached person what flu season is to the unvaccinated. If you are asymptomatic, it feels unwise to tear off your mask to go dance among the infected...

  • Events Roundup: Roses are red, violets are blue

    In this week’s roundup, there’s lots to do

    By Inland 360

    More for Valentine’s Day and beyond is in the events calendar. Revelers can sip handcrafted cocktails, share appetizers and enjoy smooth guitar tunes played by Michael Kelly during Roses Are Red, Vodka Is Clear, from 4-8 p.m. this evening at Hops & Vine, 527 Main St., Lewiston...

  • Call for vendors and memorabilia

    By Inland 360

    Art Under the Elms vendor applications due soon Vendor applications for Lewis-Clark State College’s annual Art Under the Elms are due March 1...