Not quite classics: Movie fans: Beware the cleverly packaged knockoff


It can happen to the best of us: You’re browsing through movies at a store or somewhere online and you come across a film with a familiar title and cover, so you pick it up — only to discover later that it was not the movie you thought it was. Cheap knock-off movies are a common way mediocre companies trick people into making unsuspecting purchases. They craftily come up with a title, cover and even a plot close enough to an original hit to catch customers off guard, but far enough away to keep copyright lawyers at bay. Whether you’re searching for gifts or your own viewing pleasure, take this quiz to practice filtering the real from fake.

Directions: Pick the original movie at right. Find the answers at the bottom.

Answers: “Happy Feet,” “Ratatouille,” “Brave,” “Tangled,” “Frozen,” “High School Musical,” “Kung Fu Panda,” “Up,” “E.T.,” “Snakes on a Plane”

  • "High Noon"

    @ Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre

    Fri., June 28, 2-4 p.m.