Pullman woman sailing on the Titanic memorial cruise

As one of the 1,309 souls on the Titanic memorial cruise Pullman's Tracie Brelsford has received national attention.

Brelsford and her sister Terri (Brelsford) Williamson , of Vancouver, Wash., were featured on "CBS This Morning" earlier this week dressed in period clothing on board the ship.

The cruise allowed only 1,309 passengers, the same number that were on the Titanic. Following the doomed ship's path of 100 years ago the group will arrive at the site where the Titanic sank at 5 p.m. Saturday and remain there until 4 a.m. Sunday. A memorial service will be held on board. The tour also stops at Halifax, Canada where the bodies of recovered passengers were buried.

Pullman's Duane Brelsford has followed his sisters' journey and  has seen them on national news programs in Australia and Great Britain. He says Traci has always been interested in history and the story of the Titanic and pursued tickets for the cruise for two years.